Board of Directors

* Term of office: OGM to be held in 2025.

Click here to access the Internal Regulation of the Board of Directors

Name Office Beginning of Mandate
Humberto José Teófilo Magalhães Chairperson 12/12/2023*

Mr. Magalhães has been a career employee of Caixa Econômica Federal (“CAIXA”) since 1989, and is currently Chief Executive Officer of Caixa Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. (CAIXA Asset). He has held executive and management positions in several areas at CAIXA and was Commercial and Product Officer at Caixa Seguridade between 2015 and 2016. He also served as Chief Executive Officer of Seguros BRB and Caixa Cartões Holding S.A. (CAIXA Cartões), Chairman on the Board of Directors of BRB Serviços and Board Member of the companies AMERICEL, TELET and TELEMIG.

Mr. Magalhães has a degree in Law from Universidade de Brasília and a postgraduate degree in Economics from George Washington University.

Inês da Silva Magalhães Vice-Chairperson 08/31/2023*

Miss Magalhães has been Vice President of Housing at Caixa Econômica Federal since March 2023. She has more than 25 years of experience in the management and formulation of public policies, especially in the areas of housing and urban development, having held management roles in municipal and federal governments. Chief of Staff at São Paulo City Hall, Sé Regional Subprefecture; Development Advisor, Chief of Staff, and Secretary of Planning and Urban Development at São Vicente City Hall; Special Advisor to the Sub-Head of Federal Affairs at the Civil House of the Brazilian Presidency; and between 2003 and 2016, held the positions of Director of Urbanization of Precarious Settlements, National Secretary of Housing, and Minister of State at the Ministry of Cities. From 2017 to 2022, she served as a senior consultant on housing and urban development projects and programs for international agencies such as the World Bank and UN-Habitat.

She served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Shack/Slum Dwellers International Urban Poverty Fund; president of CTECH – National Committee for Technological Development of Housing; Cities Alliance interim board member and membership committee leader; counselor, representative of the Ministry of Planning on the Board of Directors of Terracap – Urban Development Agency of the Federal District; representative of the Brazilian Government at the General Assembly of Ministers and Highest Authorities for Housing and Urbanism in Latin America and the Caribbean – MINURVI; chairman of the board of the Social Housing Fund; delegate of the Ministry of Cities and coordinator of the National Housing Committee at the National Council of cities; representative of the Ministry of Cities at the Assembly of Cities Alliance members. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Caixa Capitalização.

Graduated in Sociology and Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).

Francisco Egidio Pelúcio Martins Member 04/25/2024*

Current Vice-President of People at Caixa Econômica Federal (CAIXA) since January 2024, Mr. Martins has more than 30 years of experience as a career employee at Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. (BNB) where he performed several relevant roles. During this extensive period, he served in various management positions, including the Executive Board member of the Previver Multipatrocinated Fund and the position of Vice-President of Credit at CAIXA, between 2004 and 2007. He also participated in the Board of Directors of Caixa Consórcio, highlighting his contribution to strategic decisions in the financial sector. In addition, he served as Controllership Director at Grupo Bomfim, CEO at Construtora NORCON S.A. and Financial Director at Ânima Educação S.A..

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from the Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR) and a post-graduate degree in Corporate Finance from the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) and in Civil Procedural Law from the Escola Superior de Magistratura do Estado do Ceará (ESMEC/UFC).

Karoline Busatto Member 04/26/2023*

She is currently Legal Consultant of the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services, having assumed the position in January 2023. She has been a Union Attorney since 2006, served as Coordinator of the Debts and Rogatory Letters Team from 2010 to 2015, simultaneously occupied the Regional Coordination of Negotiations in the 4th Region, was Deputy Regional Prosecutor of the Union from 2016 to 2019, Deputy Attorney General of the Union from 2019 to 2023.

Mrs Busatto holds a bachelor’s degree in Law and Social Sciences from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), a post-graduate degree in Public Law from the Universidade de Brasília (UNB), a postgraduate degree in Public Law from Faculdade Meridional, and a postgraduate degree in Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law from Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci. Currently, she is a Master’s student in Public Administration from EBAPE/FGV.

Ilana Trombka Member 04/25/2024*

She is currently Chief Executive Office of the Federal Senate, having assumed office in February 2015. She has been a government employee for over 25 years.

Mrs Trombka is an executive with 20 years of experience in leadership positions. She has great experience in administration, strategic management, communication and corporate governance.

She has served as a member of the FINAME Board of Directors (BNDES).

Mrs Trombka holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, a master’s degree in Social Communication from the same university and a Specialization in Legislative Law from the Universidade Federal of Mato Grosso do Sul. She is currently studying for a Doctorate in Business Administration at the School of Business Administration of Fundação Getúlio Vargas – SP.

Fernando Alcântara de Figueredo Beda Independent Member 04/26/2023*

Founding partner of Mapa Capital, a financial advisory boutique founded in 2013, specialized in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), management and governance, debt restructuring, funding resources, proprietary investment management and financial and strategic advice. Before that, he had been a partner and member of the Executive Committee of Mauá Investimentos between 2010 and 2013. Before Mauá, he was Director of ItauBBA bank, where he worked for 13 years in Corporate Banking, responsible for the areas of products and structured operations, customer loans, trade finance, foreign exchange and cash management in bank’s foreign currency.

He was the Head of the Bank’s Products Committee for 9 years. Prior to ItauBBA, he worked as a Trade Finance analyst at Francês, Brasileiro and Nacional banks. Member of the Board of Directors of Bioactive Biomaterials S.A. Production Engineer graduated from Escola Politécnica da USP – 1988.

Waldemir Bargieri Independent Member 08/31/2023*

Mr. Bargieri has experience in risk management, internal controls and compliance in banks, insurance companies and pension funds, and consolidated supervision of financial conglomerates, including financial system operations, supplementary pension plans, insurance, international operations, foreign exchange, and money laundering prevention. He has almost four decades of professional activity in functions such as: Internal Controls and Compliance manager at Brasilprev; Central Bank Inspection Supervisor; elected board member of the Central Bank of Private Pension Foundation/CENTRUS; Supplementary Pension Secretary (current Previc); Private Insurance Superintendence (SUSEP); Financial Activities Control Board (COAF) member; and a National Strategy to Combat Corruption and Money Laundering (ENCCLA) participant from 2003 to 2009. Mr. Bargieri was a Caixa Seguridade’s Board of Directors independent member from August 2015 to April 2017, and is once again since August 2023; since 2004, he has been a Ação Educativa Assessoria, Pesquisa e Informação Supervisory Board member.

He hold a graduation course in Geography from the University of São Paulo (USP), received a Merit Diploma from COAF and participated as a speaker at the 3rd National Governance Meeting of the Associação Brasileira das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar (ABRAPP), in 2015.

Supervisory Board

Term of office: OGM to be held in 2025.

Click here to access the internal rules of procedures of the Supervisory Board.

Name Office Beginning of Mandate
Luiz Felipe Figueiredo de Andrade Chairperson 08/31/2023

Mr. Andrade joined CAIXA in 2005. He currently holds the position of Finance and Investor Relations Director, being responsible for asset and liability management (ALM), pricing, valuation, financial planning, management, administration and financial execution, and investor relations. In addition, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Câmara Interbancária de Pagamentos S.A. (CIP S.A – NUCLEA), Fiscal Council Member of Caixa Corretora S.A. and Chairman of the Fiscal Council of Caixa Seguridade Participações S.A.

He has a degree in Accounting Sciences from the University of Brasília (UnB), a master’s degree in Accounting Sciences from the Multi-institutional and Inter-Regional Postgraduate Program in Accounting Sciences at the University of Brasília, the Federal University of Paraíba and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, and is a specialist in Tax Auditing and Legislation. He was a volunteer professor at the Department of Accounting Sciences at the University of Brasília (UnB) in 2011, an instructor at the School of Financial Administration in 2012, and a professor at the Department of Accounting Sciences at UniCEUB in 2013 and 2014.

Luiz Felipe was National Superintendent of Risks and Internal Controls at Caixa Seguridade from April 2018 to November 2020.

Denis do Prado Netto Vice-Chairperson 08/31/2023

Mr. Prado Netto is an economist graduated from the Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília (CEUB), with an MBA in Public Debt Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and a master’s degree in Public Sector Economics from the Universidade de Brasília (UnB). He joined the National Treasury Department as a Finance and Control Analyst in 1998, assuming the position of Manager from 2001.

He has extensive experience as a member of Supervisory Boards, currently integrating the boards of Companhia Hidroelétrica do São Francisco – CHESF and Petrobras Logística de Exploration and Production S.A. Among the extensive participation in courses and seminars, the courses “Improvement in Governance, Integrity and Capital Markets for Administrators of Public Companies and Mixed Economy Companies” and “Improvement in Governance for Administrators and Supervisory Boards of State-Owned Companies and Mixed Economy Companies”, both taught by the Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa (IBGC).

Juliana Grigol Fonsechi Substitute Member 08/31/2023

Juliana is the Accounting and Controllership Director at CAIXA. Previously, she was National Superintendent of Accounting and Taxes at CAIXA, being the accountant responsible for the CAIXA Conglomerate and tax planning and execution. A career employee of CAIXA, she joined the bank in 2003 and served as National Manager of Third Party Accounting and Executive Manager of Accounting Policies, among other roles. Currently, she is also a member of the Fundação dos Economiários Federais (FUNCEF) Supervisory Board.

She has a degree in Accounting Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP) and a master’s degree from the University of Brasília (UnB).

Juliana was an alternate member of the Caixa Seguridade Supervisory Board from November 2019 to April 2022 and also an alternate member of the Fiscal Council of Caixa Seguradora.

Abdsandryk Cunha de Souza Substitute Member 08/31/2023

Mr. Souza holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação (FEEC) of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), holds a Diploma of Optional Higher Studies in Information and Communication Technology (DESO-TIC) from École Centrale de Lyon, France, and an MBA in Strategic Management of Information Technology from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).

Mr. Souza joined the Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional as Federal Auditor of Finance and Control in 2008, acting as Geral Coordinator for the Coordenação-Geral de Sistemas e Tecnologia da Informação (STN/COSIS) from 2019. He served as Supervisory Board member at the Centro Nacional de Tecnologia Eletrônica Avançada (CEITEC), Eletrobras Termonuclear S.A. (Eletronuclear), Autoridade Portuária de Santos S.A. (SPA) and since 2022 he has held this position at Caixa Cartões Holding S.A. (CAIXA Cartões).

Vacant Position Member -
Vacant Position Substitute Member

Executive Board

The term of office of the Executive Board members is 02 years, renewable for same duration.

Click here to access our internal rules of procedures of the Executive Board.

Name Office Beginning of Mandate
Felipe de Vasconcelos Soares Montenegro Mattos CEO 10/01/2024

CEO of Caixa Seguridade. CAIXA lawyer since 2007, in leadership positions since 2012. In the Legal Department, he worked especially in the labor, corporate, strategy and governance areas and in matters of interest to CAIXA with the Fundação dos Economiários Federais (FUNCEF).

He has experience in the premium bonds and private pension market, having worked for the Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP) in the supervised market. He is a member of the Boards of Directors of Caixa Vida e Previdência, Caixa Residencial and Caixa Assistência

Mr. Mattos holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from the Universidade de Brasília – UnB and master’s degree in Labor Law from the Universidade de São Paulo – USP.

Eduardo Costa Oliveira CFO and IRO 05/11/2022

Mr. Oliveira is the Administration, Finance and Investor Relations Officer at Caixa Seguridade. At CAIXA, he served as National Superintendent for Financial Planning, National Manager of Capital Management and National Manager of Portfolio Credit Risk, in addition to other leadership positions involving risk and capital management, finance and accounting, as well as the dialogue with internal and external audits. At Caixa Seguridade he worked as Administrative National Superintendent and, at Caixa Vida e Previdência, he was a member of the Board of Directors.

Mr. Oliveira has 19 years’ professional experience in the financial market, with more than 14 years in CAIXA’s executive positions.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, a master’s degree in Administration from FGV, and a MBA in Risk Management from Universidade de São Paulo (FIPECAFI-USP), as well as an extension course in Strategic IT Management from FGV and Investor Relations at FIPECAFI-USP.

Salvador Congentino Neto Corporate Governance and Risk Officer 10/28/2024

Salvador holds a degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV/SP and Law from the University of São Paulo – USP. He has a specialization in Civil Procedural Law. He has been an employee of Caixa Econômica Federal (CAIXA) since 2002, having worked in legal advice, legal management of multidisciplinary teams, strategic legal management, project management, formulation of policies, goals and controls and in the conduct of multilateral negotiations.

Among the positions held, he was National Superintendent of Integrity and Control at CAIXA. In his most recent role, he was in charge of the creation and conduct of CAIXA’s Legal Advisory National Center.

Edgar Vieira Soares Commercial and Products Officer 10/01/2024

Commercial and Products Officer. Working since 2006 at Caixa Econômica Federal (“CAIXA”), Mr. Soares has leaded several business units in the bank, such as Payroll Loans; Agribusiness Products; Sustainability and House Financing; and from April 2022 to August 2023 he was the executive responsible for managing the entire CAIXA Retail Network.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB) and an MBA in Controllership from Fundação Universa /UCB.

Audit Committee

The term of office of the Audit Committee is 03 years, allowed a single re-election.

Click here  to access the internal rules of procedures of the Audit Committee.

Click here  to access information about the selection process for the Audit Committee members.

Click here to make a complaint to Audit Committee.

Name Office Beginning of Mandate
Vacant Position Chairperson -
Eduardo Bona Safe de Matos Vice-Chairperson 07/02/2021

He has held the position of Professor of Higher Education at the Universidade de Brasília since 2015. He worked as an Auditor at KPMG Auditores Independentes S.A.

Mr. Matos holds a PhD in Controllership and Accounting from the Universidade de São Paulo, with academic and market experience and acting focused on corporate accounting, regulation and international accounting standardization process. He conducted research on international accounting standards and on the application of accounting in company policies, especially on issues related to IFRS, leases and accounting for publicly-held companies. He is a member of the Audit Committees of Caixa Residencial and Caixa Consórcio.

He holds a degree in Accounting Sciences (UNB), master’s degree in Accounting and PhD in Controllership and Accounting (FEA/USP). Certified for Audit Committee Member by IBGC (CCoAud IBGC).

Waldemir Bargieri Member 08/04/2023

Mr. Bargieri has experience in risk management, internal controls and compliance in banks, insurance companies and pension funds, and consolidated supervision of financial conglomerates, including financial system operations, supplementary pension plans, insurance, international operations, foreign exchange, and money laundering prevention. He has almost four decades of professional activity in functions such as: Internal Controls and Compliance manager at Brasilprev; Central Bank Inspection Supervisor; elected board member of the Central Bank of Private Pension Foundation/CENTRUS; Supplementary Pension Secretary (current Previc); Private Insurance Superintendence (SUSEP); Financial Activities Control Board (COAF) member; and a National Strategy to Combat Corruption and Money Laundering (ENCCLA) participant from 2003 to 2009. Mr. Bargieri was a Caixa Seguridade’s Board of Directors independent member from August 2015 to April 2017, and once again since August 2023; since 2004, he has been a Ação Educativa Assessoria, Pesquisa e Informação Supervisory Board member.

He hold a graduation course in Geography from the University of São Paulo (USP), received a Merit Diploma from COAF and participated as a speaker at the 3rd National Governance Meeting of the Associação Brasileira das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar (ABRAPP), in 2015.

José Antonio Mendes Fernandes Member 12/20/2023

Mr. Fernandes worked at the Banco de Brasília – BRB conglomerate between 1993 and 2023, leading several areas, such as Electronic Business, Planning and Budgeting, Internal Controls and Controllership, Financial and Administrative, Customer and Channel Intelligence, Business Development and Marketing. During this period, he served as Executive Director at Cartão BRB in 2007, and Financial and Administrative Director at Financeira BRB between 2017 and 2023.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of Shopping Conjunto Nacional Brasília in 2000, the Supervisory Board of Cartão BRB (2010-2011), the Board of Directors (2012-2015) and Supervisory Board (2015-2019) of BRB Seguros and the Advisory Board of Scientific and Technological Park of the University of Brasília (2019-2022).

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from UNICEUB, a postgraduate degree in Systems Analysis from the Catholic University of Brasília and in Organizational Analysis from FGV, and a BRB/IBGC course in Governance for Administrators and Supervisory Board Members of State Companies.

Related-Party Transaction Committee

The term of office of the Related-Party Transaction Committee is 02 years, maximum of 3 renewals.

* Term of office: OGM to be held in 2025.

Click here to access the internal rules of procedures of the Related-Party Transaction Committee.

Name Office Beginning of Mandate
Fernando Alcântara de Figueredo Beda Chairperson 01/05/2024*

Founding partner of Mapa Capital, a financial advisory boutique founded in 2013, specialized in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), management and governance, debt restructuring, funding resources, proprietary investment management and financial and strategic advice. Before that, he had been a partner and member of the Executive Committee of Mauá Investimentos between 2010 and 2013. Before Mauá, he was Director of ItauBBA bank, where he worked for 13 years in Corporate Banking, responsible for the areas of products and structured operations, customer loans, trade finance, foreign exchange and cash management in bank’s foreign currency. He was the Head of the Bank’s Products Committee for 9 years. Prior to ItauBBA, he worked as a Trade Finance analyst at Francês, Brasileiro and Nacional banks. Member of the Board of Directors of Bioactive Biomaterials S.A. Production Engineer graduated from Escola Politécnica da USP – 1988.

Edgar Vieira Soares Member 01/05/2024*

Commercial and Products Officer. Working since 2006 at Caixa Econômica Federal (“CAIXA”), Mr. Soares has leaded several business units in the bank, such as Payroll Loans; Agribusiness Products; Sustainability and House Financing; and from April 2022 to August 2023 he was the executive responsible for managing the entire CAIXA Retail Network.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB) and an MBA in Controllership from Fundação Universa /UCB.

Jose Antonio Mendes Fernandes Member 01/05/2024*

Mr. Fernandes worked at the Banco de Brasília – BRB conglomerate between 1993 and 2023, leading several areas, such as Electronic Business, Planning and Budgeting, Internal Controls and Controllership, Financial and Administrative, Customer and Channel Intelligence, Business Development and Marketing. During this period, he served as Executive Director at Cartão BRB in 2007, and Financial and Administrative Director at Financeira BRB between 2017 and 2023.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of Shopping Conjunto Nacional Brasília in 2000, the Supervisory Board of Cartão BRB (2010-2011), the Board of Directors (2012-2015) and Supervisory Board (2015-2019) of BRB Seguros and the Advisory Board of Scientific and Technological Park of the University of Brasília (2019-2022).

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from UNICEUB, a postgraduate degree in Systems Analysis from the Catholic University of Brasília and in Organizational Analysis from FGV, and a BRB/IBGC course in Governance for Administrators and Supervisory Board Members of State Companies.

People, Eligibility, Succession and Remuneration Committee

The term of office of the People, Eligibility, Succession and Remuneration Committee is 02 years, maximum of 3 renewals.

* Term of office: 12/04/2026.

Click here to access internal rules and procedures of the People, Eligibility, Succession and Remuneration Committee.

Name Office Beginning of Mandate
Edgar Vieira Soares Chairperson 12/18/2024*

Commercial and Products Officer. Working since 2006 at Caixa Econômica Federal (“CAIXA”), Mr. Soares has leaded several business units in the bank, such as Payroll Loans; Agribusiness Products; Sustainability and House Financing; and from April 2022 to August 2023 he was the executive responsible for managing the entire CAIXA Retail Network.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB) and an MBA in Controllership from Fundação Universa /UCB.

José Antonio Mendes Fernandes Member 12/18/2024*

Mr. Fernandes worked at the Banco de Brasília – BRB conglomerate between 1993 and 2023, leading several areas, such as Electronic Business, Planning and Budgeting, Internal Controls and Controllership, Financial and Administrative, Customer and Channel Intelligence, Business Development and Marketing. During this period, he served as Executive Director at Cartão BRB in 2007, and Financial and Administrative Director at Financeira BRB between 2017 and 2023.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of Shopping Conjunto Nacional Brasília in 2000, the Supervisory Board of Cartão BRB (2010-2011), the Board of Directors (2012-2015) and Supervisory Board (2015-2019) of BRB Seguros and the Advisory Board of Scientific and Technological Park of the University of Brasília (2019-2022).

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from UNICEUB, a postgraduate degree in Systems Analysis from the Catholic University of Brasília and in Organizational Analysis from FGV, and a BRB/IBGC course in Governance for Administrators and Supervisory Board Members of State Companies.

Fernanda Rocha da Fonseca Castro Member 12/18/2024*

Fernanda has held the position of Head of Talent Management at Mirante Tecnologia since August 2024. She was an employee at Wiz Co from 2016 to 2024, and held positions as Superintendent of People, Culture and ESG, Superintendent of Business Partners, People and Management Manager, Training and Development Coordinator and Attraction and Selection Supervisor. She has extensive experience in people and culture, organizational development, training, talent attraction and selection, remuneration and career, DE&I, agile HR and ESG.

She has a degree in Psychology from UNICEUB, a postgraduate degree in HR Business Partner from INSPER and a postgraduate in Leadership and People Strategy Management at FIA.


